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人们常说“成功的男人背后一定会有一个了不起的女人”。然而,一个成功的女人背后究竟又有着什么?或许是更多的勇气与执著,或许是更多的坚韧与拼搏,或许也有着不尽的心酸与无奈……北京东四十条的一座四合院,秋日午后的阳光和煦地吻着青色的屋瓦,远远看来,屋脊上仿佛镀了一层金边。看到这种景象,你仿佛置身于晚清的一条民巷,那种感受优雅而古朴。 People often say “There will be a great woman behind the successful man ”. However, behind a successful woman, what exactly is there? Perhaps more courage and dedication, perhaps more tenacity and hard work, may also have endless sadness and helplessness ... ... Beijing Dongsishitiao a courtyard, Autumn afternoon sun gently kissing the green roof tiles, from a distance, the roof seems to be plated with a layer of Phnom Penh. See this scene, you feel like being in a late Qing Dynasty alley, that feeling elegant and simple.
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