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气割的基本原理是将起割点的钢料预热到燃烧温度后,送进切割氧,使其中的铁在氧中燃烧生成氧化铁熔渣,同时利用切割氧流的动量将熔渣吹除而形成割缝。如果钢材中的含碳量和其他合金元素增多,就会影响它的可气割性。例如,含碳低于0.45%时,气割过程能正常进行;含碳大于0.5%,可气割性就变差。再如含铬量超过10%时,可气割性就很差,甚至不能用一般气割法切割;对含锰量>12%或含钼量>5%的钢材也都难于气割,等等。 Gas cutting the basic principle is to cut the starting point of the steel preheated to the combustion temperature, the cut into the oxygen, so that the iron in the combustion of oxygen to generate iron oxide slag, while the use of cutting oxygen flow momentum blowing slag The formation of kerfs. If the carbon content of steel and other alloying elements increase, it will affect its gas cutability. For example, when the carbon content is less than 0.45%, the gas cutting process can be carried out normally. If the carbon content is more than 0.5%, the gas cutting property becomes worse. Another example is the chromium content of more than 10%, the gas cutting is poor, and even can not even gas cutting law; for manganese content> 12% or molybdenum content> 5% of the steel is also difficult to gas cutting, and so on.
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