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我国硬质纤维板工业企业近400家,其中多数是中小型企业,其产量约占人造板产量的50%,它对我国节约木材和开展木材综合利用做出了重要的贡献。但由于大部分企业多是70年代的,技术性能较落后、能耗大、品种单一、经济效益较差,同时污水处理没有得到彻底解决,因此,这些企业处境困难。如果全面更新转产,财力难以承受。我厂通过不断的设备技术改造,提高了产品质量,增加了花色品种,取得了较好的成效。根据我国木材综合利用状况及趋势,综合各企业经验,我们的体会是加强设备技术改造是纤维板工业生存发展的重要途径。 一、改革生产工艺,增加花色品种 大部分硬质纤维板企业产品一二等品率低,吸水率偏高,这与纤维分离设备,施蜡工艺及其他因素有关。我们把现在的高温粗磨、精磨二次成浆改为低温高速大磨盘一次成浆。提高了纤维分离效果,改善了浆料质量,从而提高了产品质量,增加了花色品种,扩大了纤维板用途。如高强度薄板新品种应用于高级轿车上就取得了较好的经济效益。 Nearly 400 hard fiberboard industrial enterprises in China, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises, account for about 50% of the output of man-made boards. It has made important contributions to saving wood and comprehensive utilization of wood in China. However, because most enterprises are mostly in the 1970s, their technical performance is relatively backward, their energy consumption is large, their types are single, their economic results are poor, and sewage treatment has not been completely resolved. Therefore, these enterprises are in a difficult position. If you completely update your conversion, your financial resources will be unbearable. Our factory has improved the product quality through the continuous technological transformation of the equipment, increased the variety of colors, and achieved good results. According to the situation and trend of comprehensive utilization of wood in our country, and integrating the experience of various companies, our experience is to strengthen equipment technological transformation is an important way to survive and develop the fiberboard industry. First, the reform of the production process to increase color varieties Most hard fiberboard products, such as one or two products, low rate, high water absorption, which is related to fiber separation equipment, waxing process and other factors. We changed the current high-temperature rough grinding and fine grinding secondary slurry into a low-temperature, high-speed, large-sized grinding disk and formed a slurry. Improve the fiber separation effect, improve the quality of the slurry, thereby improving the product quality, increase the color variety, and expand the use of fiberboard. For example, high-strength sheet new products have achieved good economic benefits when applied to limousines.
1.一些咨询公司的情况介绍 Beton和Monierbau建筑公司作为地下工程的专家而享誉奥地利的主要原因是他们认识了新奥法的技术和经济优势。1969年,公司在德国法兰克福地铁工程
我国工业企业特别是国有大中型企业经济效益不好,主要难题之一是产品成本居高不下。要解决这一老大难问题,除继续深化企业改革外,笔者认为着重要从以下几个方面入手: China
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