Laminar Natural Convective Heat Transfer in theEnclosed Evacuated Collector Tube with East-West Symm

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SONGZHIQIANGAAAA
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Heat transfer in the evacuated collector tube is a three-dimensional laminar natural convection prob-lem driven by buoyancy. Because of its complexity, no effective theoretical model is available despiteof limited experimental work which is confined to one aspect- The present work aims to depict theconvective heat transfer inside a tweended inclined tube with East-West symmetric heat input us-ing numerical methods. Based on reasonable assumptions, governing equations of the inside fluid areestabllshed. The corresponding discretizated equations are solved by employing numerical methods.The calculated results are displayed for velocity and temperature profiles on different cross-sectionalplanes, which present the flow pattern characterized by upflow and dowallow along the axial direc-tion and adherent flow along the peripheral direction, and the heat transfer process from the wall tothe center. Furthermore, the transient Nusselt number and average temperature level are shown anddiscussed. Finally, the parametric effects of the tube radius and the heat input on the flow and heattransfer are also given. Heat transfer in the evacuated collector tube is a three-dimensional laminar natural convection prob-lem driven by buoyancy. No of the theoretical theoretical model is available of limited experimental work which is confined to one aspect- The present work aims to depict Based on reasonable assumptions, governing equations of the inside fluid are established. The corresponding discretizated equations are solved by employing numerical methods. The calculated results are displayed for velocity and temperature profiles on different cross-sectionalplanes, which present the flow pattern characterized by upflow and dowallow along the axial direc- tion and adherent flow along the peripheral direction, and the heat transfer process from the wall tothe center. Nusselt number and average temperature level are shown and discussed . Finally, the parametric effects of the tube radius and the heat input on the flow and heattransfer are also given.
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This article focused on the influences of fulvic acid and humic acid on aluminum speciation in drinking water.Factors including the concentration of residual ch
一次,甲、乙、丙、丁4人到某图书馆大厦参加一位女明星的签名售书会;看到了活生生的、心目中的偶像。在回来的路上,4个人说起了女明星的年龄。  甲说:“我认为她的年龄不会超过25岁。”乙说:她的年龄不会超过30岁。“丙说:“虽然她看起来很年轻,但我打赌他肯定在35岁以上。”丁说:“她的年龄在30~35岁之间。”  事实上,他们4个人之中只有一个说对了。那么女明星的年龄到底是多大呢?
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