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10月31日,天气预报说当晚北京将骤然降温,可临近七点钟时,中央音乐学院的音乐厅门前就已经人头攒动。该校为资深钢琴教育家凌远举办的“凌远教授八十华诞暨从教五十六年庆典音乐会”演出在即,钢琴教育界许多著名人士和中央音乐学院的师生们纷纷聚拢于此,参加了这次庆典音乐会,也为了向凌远教授送上他们的祝福。音乐厅的舞台上摆放着两排各有关单位为凌远教授送来的祝福花篮,音乐厅内充满着亲情、友情和温暖。很多在京的音乐界名人依次进入音乐会现场,俨然是一场钢琴届几代师、友的大派对。在场的中央音乐学院的学生们都跟着兴奋不已。 On October 31, the weather forecast said that Beijing would suddenly cool down that night, and at about seven o’clock, the concert hall of the Central Conservatory of Music was already crowded in front of the concert hall. The school for senior piano educator Ling Yuan held “Ling Yuan professor 80th birthday and teach from fifty-six years of celebration concert” performances soon, many of the piano educators and the Central Conservatory of Music teachers and students have gathered This, participated in the celebration concert, but also to send Professor Ling Yuan their best wishes. There are two rows of blessing baskets sent by the relevant units for Professor Ling Yuan on the stage of the concert hall. The concert hall is full of family ties, friendship and warmth. Many music celebrities in Beijing in turn enter the concert scene, just like a piano generations of teachers, friends of the big party. The presence of the Central Conservatory of Music students are excited.
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近年来,中稻矮缩病在柘荣发生日趋严重。1991年全县发生面积占中稻总面积的25.9%,一般损失10~25%,我站从1990年开始对此病进行了试验、示范。现将结果分述如下。 In recent yea
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稻瘟病是我县的重要病害,叶瘟的发展对穗瘟具有一定的作用,但早、晚季有明显差异。笔者根据我县1971-1990年稻瘟病发生情况,计算出早稻穗瘟和叶瘟关系(晚稻不显著)。 穗瘟率
往年本市棉铃虫发生有时二代重,有时四代重,今年4个世代大发生。治虫30多遍,有的隔天防一遍,亩用约费110-140元,多的达200元。 一代严重危害55万亩冬小麦。5月下旬麦田平均
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