第三届国际瑶族研讨会于1990年6月26日至29日,在法国南部杜鲁斯市举行,我有幸率领中国瑶族学者代表团一行5人赴法参加了此会. 会议期间,中国代表团受到与会各国学者和旅法瑶族代表的热烈欢迎.会议结束后,法国瑶族协会主席李高保先生邀请我们到杜鲁斯市瑶族家庭作客.大概同是瑶胞,自有一种民族亲情,凡是发出邀请的人家,都派小后生开车接我们.真诚的接待,温馨的家庭气氛使我们一走进主人家就仿佛回到了自己的家.相聚仅一天一夜,但肺腑之言却超越了时限——
The Third International Symposium on Yao Ethnicity was held in Duluth, southern France, from June 26 to 29, 1990. I was fortunate enough to lead a delegation of Chinese Yao scholars to France for their participation in the meeting. During the meeting, The delegation was warmly welcomed by the scholars from all countries attending the ceremony and representatives from the Yao People’s Government of France. After the meeting, Mr. Li Gaobao, chairman of the French Yao Association, invited us to visit the Yao family in Duluth City. Invited people, are sent to take the next generation of car to take us. Sincere reception, warm family atmosphere so that we entered the host family as if back to their home together only day and night, but the heart’s words are beyond the time limit -