
来源 :中国石油企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwqcy1021
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低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式,是人类社会继农业文明、工业文明之后的又一次重大进步。以全球气候变化规则的制定为标志,世界经济正处在一个新的转折点。从国际动向看,全球温室气体减排正由科学共识转变为实际行动,全球经济向低碳转型的大趋势日渐强劲。发展低碳经济,是一场涉及生产方式、生活方式、价值观念、国家权益和人类命运的全球性革命。在这场全球性革命中,全人类将共同完成一次最重要的历史性转型。低碳经济决定着新一轮国家竞争力。低碳是应对气候变化的根本,是循环经济的体现,是绿色产业的前提,是生态文明的基础,是科技革命的核心,是持续发展的必然。建设生态文明,发展低碳经济,是落实科学发展观的重要内容。作为负责任的发展中国家,中国控制温室气体排放行动目标已经确定,应对气候变化的任务艰巨而光荣。石油石化行业,既是能源生产大户,又是排放和耗能大户。在低碳经济浪潮中,如何搞好节能减排增效、抓住机遇谋取更好更快发展,是石油石化企业必将完成的重要答卷。 Low-carbon economy is an economic model based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions. It is another major step forward in human society following the agricultural civilization and industrial civilization. With the formulation of global climate change rules as a sign, the world economy is at a new turning point. From an international perspective, the global greenhouse gas emission reduction is being translated from scientific consensus into practical action. The global trend toward a low-carbon economy has become increasingly strong. The development of a low-carbon economy is a global revolution that involves the modes of production, lifestyles, values, national rights and the destiny of mankind. In this global revolution, all mankind will jointly accomplish the most important historic transformation. Low-carbon economy determines the new round of national competitiveness. Low-carbon is the fundamental response to climate change is the embodiment of circular economy, green industry is the premise of ecological civilization is the core of science and technology revolution is the inevitable for sustainable development. To build an ecological civilization and develop a low-carbon economy is an important part of implementing the scientific concept of development. As a responsible developing country, China has set the goal of controlling greenhouse gas emissions and the task of tackling climate change is arduous and glorious. Petroleum and petrochemical industry, both energy production big, but also emissions and energy consumption big. In the wave of low-carbon economy, how to do a good job of energy-saving and emission reduction to enhance efficiency, seize the opportunity to seek better and faster development, the petroleum and petrochemical enterprises will be completed an important answer volume.
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