Yunnan:Different Ethnicities,and a Taste of Tradition

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<正> IN the north of Yunnan's Dali and to the south of ancient Lijiang City lies a basin surrounded by green hills. This basin, called 'Bazi,' is bisected by a long winding river, and ten artesian springs flow out from the foot of the hil
在我们学校,有这么一个“熊孩子”小H,因为父母感情不和,对他少有关爱,所以他养成了偏激的性格,而且攻击性强,年轻的班主任对他束手无策。一天中餐时,小H与同学争吵了两句,便将滚烫的饭菜扣在了同学的脑袋上。班主任上前制止,小H竟然爬上窗台,扬言要自杀。整个教室乱成了一团,班主任拉住要轻生的小H,其他孩子都惊慌失措。  “我要辞职,请学校赶快安排人来接班,下周一我就不来了……”这位班主任将开学以来的所有
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FOR the past three years I&#39;ve taken all my national holidays abroad," says Xia Zhiyuan, vice president of a foreign enterprise in Beijing,with satisfaction.