Damage assessment of a continuous beam bridge based on the strain mode

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xw511023
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Based on the method of strain mode, damage identification of continuous beam bridges by comparing the variance of several curves of strain modes difference is studied. Three cases of numerical simulation demonstrate that the proposed method is applicable to detecting many a damage in a continuous beam bridge, which accurately identifies the damaged positions of the bridge, and detects the damage severity of an element by its according peak value of the curve of strain modes difference that is found to increase with the increasing damage severity. Based on the method of strain mode, damage identification of continuous beam bridges by comparing the variance of several curves of strain modes difference is studied. Three cases of numerical simulation demonstrates that the proposed method is applicable to detect many a damage in a continuous beam bridge , that accurately identifies the damaged positions of the bridge, and detects the damage severity of an element by its according peak value of the curve of strain modes that that found to increase with the increasing damage severity.
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