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弘扬与培育民族精神问题是党的十六大正式提出的。十六大政治报告在阐述文化建设问题时指出:“面对世界范围各种思想文化的相互激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极其重要的任务,纳入国民教育全过程……”又指出,“要建立与社会主义市场经济相适应、与社会主义法律相协调、与中华民族传统美德相承接的社会主义思想道德体系。”这里,提出了“弘扬”与“培育”民族精神的双重任务,并特别提出要把它纳入国民教育的全过程。对于思想道德体系的建立,则除了市场经济、法规建设等切合时代性的内容外,还特别提出与中华民族传统美德“相承接”的问题。 The issue of promoting and nurturing the national spirit was officially put forward by the 16th CPC National Congress. In its statement of cultural construction, the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “In the face of mutual turmoil in various ideologies and cultures around the world, we must take the promotion and cultivation of the national spirit as an extremely important task in cultural construction and incorporate it into the entire process of national education. ”He also pointed out:“ We must establish a socialist ideological and moral system that is compatible with the socialist market economy, coordinated with socialist law, and inherited the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. ”Here,“ promoting ”and“ ”Nurture“ the dual mission of national spirit, and especially put it into the whole process of national education. For the establishment of the ideological and moral system, in addition to meeting the historical content such as the market economy and the construction of laws and regulations, the issue of ”inheriting" the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation has also been specially put forward.
一、have表示“有”1用have直接表示“有”。如:I have a new watch我有一块新手表。2用have got 表示“有”,have got=have 。如:Have you got a ruler?你有一
一、强调识记单词。词汇是语言的建筑材料,掌握一定的词汇对学好英语非常重要 。英语中有些单词能按拼读规则记忆,而另一些单词的拼写与读音不一致,又常常一词多义 ,习惯用法各种
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对女性称呼的一组词李明英语中我们称呼女性的词很多。最常用的有Mis,Madam,Ms,Mrs等。但还有一些词在口语和俚语中也常用到,例如:Mistres,girl,dame,female,broad等。现将它们的不同用法列举如下:1.Mis常和姓连用... A group of wo
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