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在系统分析兴蒙造山系新元古代-古生代24个沉积盆地类型、沉积建造、生物地层与年代地层等特征的基础上,划分了6个沉积大地构造演化阶段并对其进行讨论:(1)新元古代-寒武纪早期陆缘增生阶段:额尔古纳地块向南增生并与兴安地块拼贴,形成环宇-新林蛇绿岩拼合带;(2)寒武纪纽芬兰世-第二世陆缘稳定沉积阶段:各地块边缘发育相对稳定的碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩沉积,佳木斯地块受晚泛非造山作用影响;(3)早-中奥陶世多岛弧盆系形成阶段:多宝山地区弧盆系发育,其他地块边缘均有不同强度陆间洋壳俯冲作用;(4)晚奥陶世-志留纪普里道利世多岛弧盆系发展阶段:各地块隆升遭受剥蚀;(5)早泥盆世-早石炭世多岛弧盆系消减阶段:早石炭世晚期额尔古纳-兴安地块与松嫩地块拼贴,佳木斯西缘由被动陆缘转为活动陆缘;(6)晚石炭世-二叠纪乐平世拼合后洋-陆转化阶段:从早石炭世晚期开始至二叠纪末,佳木斯地块分别与松嫩地块、兴凯地块拼贴,至此东北各地块拼贴完成. Based on the systematic analysis of 24 sedimentary basin types, sedimentary structures, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy in the Xingmeng orogen from the Xingmeng orogen, six tectonic evolution stages of the sedimentary basement are divided and discussed: (1) Neoproterozoic-Cambrian terrestrial accretionary stage: the Erguna massif was southward and collapsed with the Xing’an massif to form the Ulan-Sinlin ophiolite stump; (2) the Cambrian Newfoundland - The second continental margin of stable sedimentation: the relatively stable clastic-carbonate sediments developed at each margin of the block, the Jiamusi block affected by late Pan-African orogenic activities; (3) Early-Middle Ordovician The formation of the arc basin system is that the arc basin developed in the Duobaoshan area and the subduction of the oceanic crust with different intensities at the edge of other plots. (4) The Late Ordovician- (5) Early Devonian-Early Carboniferous multi-island arc basin abatement phase: collapsing of Erguna-Xing’an block with Songneng block in the late Early Carboniferous, (6) Late Carboniferous-Permian Leping epicontinental ocean-continent transition stage: from early Carboniferous From the late period of the late World to the end of Permian, the Jiamusi massif is respectively collapsed with the Songnen and Xingkai plots, and the collage of all the northeastern provinces has been completed.
"宝顺"号轮船是近代中国引进的第一艘轮船,但许多基本史实尚不清楚。中外史料表明,宝顺轮是英国在华公司宝顺洋行委托美国John Gray公司于1851年在纽黑文建造的,建成之时就根据该洋行的名字被命名为"宝顺"。这是一艘由螺旋桨推进的轮船,而不是像现代学者所认为的那样是明轮轮船。该轮船1852年3月从英国驶抵香港,此后主要航行于香港与印度之间,为宝顺洋行贩运印度所产的鸦片。1854年冬,宝顺洋行决定将宝顺轮出售给宁波北号商人。1855年7月,宝顺轮完全为宁波北号商人所有,并且进入了宁波港,但依然沿用其原名"
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