
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caoyouwen
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水稻干尖线虫病在浙江嘉兴常年发病较轻,仅在个别品种上零星发生,1989年城区晚稻田里大暴发,主要发生在丙620品种上。全区种植晚稻丙620品种24077亩,发病面积达17376亩,占种植面积的72.17%,发病株率一般为10~15%,个别田块高达70%以上,发病田块亩产仅394.3公斤,减产1成左右。1990年全区采用线菌清浸种消毒,防治面积达26899亩,占应防面积的90.5%。防效为97.2~99.8%,亩产465公斤,比对照增产13.7%。 Rice dry tip nematode disease in Jiaxing, Zhejiang perennial incidence of mild, only sporadic occurrence of individual species, urban outbreak in the late rice fields in 1989, mainly in the C 620 species. The region has 24077 mu of late-season rice variety C 620 with a morbidity of 17376 mu, accounting for 72.17% of the total cultivated area. The incidence of the disease is generally 10-15%. Individual farms are as high as 70% or more. Only 394.3 kilograms are produced per mu, Cut about 1 percent. In 1990, the whole area was treated with bacterium soaking and disinfection, with the control area of ​​26899 mu, accounting for 90.5% of the area to be protected. Control effect was 97.2 ~ 99.8%, 465 kg per mu, 13.7% more yield than the control.
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美国一位植物生理学家首次发现了一种兼具光合和固氮两种功能的新细菌,并命名为Photorhizobium thompsonum.填补了微生物进化中的一个空白。它能感染植物茎部,生产菌瘤,供宿
承包经营责任制的实施是个复杂的系统工程,推行中会存在一些问题.这就要探索它,研究它,悟出正确的思路,使之在实践中不断发展和完善. The implementation of the responsib
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