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长期以来,教师把学生的阅读活动框定在紧张、严肃的课堂中进行。学生不但不能在阅读中获得轻松愉悦的情感,相反,却成了单纯解答问题的机器。许多教师总是不顾实际地致力于叙述和讲解课文,“填鸭式”地把文章中的大意,一一讲给学生听,把内容概括成一些抽象的要点。他们的心目中有的只是文章,只是现成的答案,而完全抛弃了教师的主体——学生。这样以来,学生被剥夺了欣赏形象和诗意的乐趣,并且养成了书呆子气的阅读和思维习惯,这种传统语文教学方式所存在的严重缺陷已引起有关专家的注意,但还没有得到根本性的扭转。那么,在阅读教学中,教师想方设法地为学生创设一个良好的阅读环境,让学生全身心地投入,固然是一个重要手段,但是,最为核心的问题应该是,如何去打破传统的教学模式,从学生的实际出发,如何锻炼学生的语感,从而提高他们的阅读欣赏能力,这已成为阅读教学中最为紧迫的任务。语感是一种意会的能力,是一种触发的功夫。语感强者,不须依靠中介性的思维过程。不须经过严密精细的分 For a long time, teachers put the students’ reading activities in a tight and serious classroom. Students not only can not get relaxed pleasure in reading, on the contrary, it has become a simple machine to answer questions. Many teachers are always devoted to narrating and explaining the text regardless of their actual situation. They “spoon-feed ” to the effect of the article, one by one to the students listening, the content summarized into some abstract points. Their minds are just articles, only ready-made answers, and completely abandoned the main body of the teacher - students. Since then, students have been deprived of the enjoyment of the image and poetic pleasure, and developed a nerdy habit of reading and thinking, the serious shortcomings of this traditional Chinese teaching has attracted the attention of experts, but not yet fundamental The reverse. So, in reading teaching, teachers find ways to create a good reading environment for students to devote themselves to students, of course, is an important means, but the core issue should be how to break the traditional teaching mode, from the students How to train students’ sense of language to improve their reading ability, which has become the most urgent task in reading teaching. Sense of language is a sense of ability, is a trigger effort. Strong sense of language, do not have to rely on the intermediary thinking process. Do not have to go through a close and detailed sub
The port is an important link in the transportation system of international logistics. The paper discusses the issue of a free trace zone policy and the develo