
来源 :宁夏农林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivsou
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ABT4号生根粉(增产灵)是中国林业科学院研制的一种广谱、高效、复合型植物生根促进剂和生长调节剂.目前在国内小麦生产上作为生长调节剂和增产素广泛推广,取得了明显的社会效益和经济效益,增产效果在10%以上.宁夏地区生根粉在农作物上的应用起步较晚,1991年有零星试验,1992年我们安排了1个试验和3个点的示范对比试验,现将试验结果报告如下. 参试品种为宁春16号,小区试验处理设ABT4号40mg/kg、25mg/kg浸种、20mg/kg喷施,以不处理的干种子为对照,重复3次.示范对比试验分别设在永宁东和9队、本所和吴忠李桥,采取拌种和喷施,浓度同小区试验,以同等条件的相邻地块为对照. ABT4 rooting powder (Zengliangling) is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and complex plant rooting promoter and growth regulator developed by Chinese Academy of Forestry, and is widely promoted as a growth regulator and hormone-stimulating hormone in domestic wheat production Significant social and economic benefits, increase production efficiency of 10% or more.Application of rooting powder in Ningxia started late, 1991 sporadic trials, in 1992 we arranged for a test and three points of the model comparison test , The test results are reported as follows: The test variety is Ningchun No. 16, plot test treatment set ABT4 40mg / kg, 25mg / kg soaking, spraying 20mg / kg, untreated dry seeds as control, repeated 3 times Demonstration tests were conducted at Yonghe, Donghe 9, Yongsan and Wuzhong Liqiao, respectively, taking seed dressing and spraying, with the same concentration as in the plots, and taking the adjacent plots with the same conditions as control.
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