
来源 :吐哈油气 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonely
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吐哈三塘湖油田实施井网加密以来,采收率得到明显提升。截至2012年8月26日,三塘湖油田有23口加密井投入生产,累计产油1.39×104t,为油田完成计划原油产量做出贡献。三塘湖油田牛圈湖西山窑油藏属特低渗、低压、低流度、非均质性砂岩油藏,单井产量低,开发难度大。为有效动用低品位石油储量,科研人员2011年开始在三塘湖油田牛圈湖西山窑油藏开展井网加密研究,编制了《牛圈湖东区井网加密调整方案》,目的是通过井网加密调整,改变原来井距270m的菱形反九点法井网,形成 Turpan-Hami Santang Lake oilfield implementation of well network encryption since the recovery has been significantly improved. As of August 26, 2012, 23 infill wells in Santanghu Oilfield were put into production with a cumulative production volume of 1.39 × 104t, contributing to the completion of the planned crude oil production in the field. Xiantang kiln reservoir of Niuquan lake in Santanghu oil field belongs to the ultra-low permeability, low-pressure, low-flow and heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs. The output of single well is low and the development is difficult. In order to effectively use low-grade oil reserves, researchers began to carry out well network encryption research in Niu Shang Lake Xishan Kiln Reservoir in Santang Lake Oilfield in 2011 and prepared a plan for well network encryption adjustment in Niuhuanhu East Zone, Encryption adjustment, change the original well spacing of 270m rhombus anti-nine well pattern, formed
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有人说,喜剧都是风俗的喜剧(Comedy of manners),意思是说和悲剧的英雄理想,爱与死的永恒主题不同,喜剧表现的是人的弱点,庸人自扰的烦恼,日常生活中的误会冲突等等。不过,
<正> 卢栋,字葵生,扬州人(1779~1850年)清代中叶制造漆砂文玩的名匠。祖父卢映之初以善“周制”而著名,以后因成功地仿制出宋代宣和漆砂砚而闻名。卢栋绍家学,亦以髹漆技艺名世,是明清以来制漆业三大名匠之一。卢家在扬州小秦淮以南达士巷内设有自己的作坊。卢映之和卢栋祖孙所仿制的漆砂砚在当时的制漆行业中独树一
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本文论述了化学史教育在有机化学教学中的重要地位和作用。 This article discusses the importance and role of chemistry history education in organic chemistry teach
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