
来源 :吉林蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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赵福顺1963年生人,毕业于吉林农大蔬菜专业,学士学位。从事蔬菜科研工作32年,1991年被公派到日本官城县园艺试验场研修;1995年加入九三学社,任省直第二基层委员会主委,2003年晋升为研究员;现任黄瓜所所长,课题主持人。选育黄瓜新品种12个,获国家、省、市科研成果奖励16项;其中国家发明专利一项,国家新品种保护权两项;中华农业科技奖两项;省科技进步二等奖四项、三等奖五项;国家农牧渔业丰收奖二等奖一项;省农业推广一等奖三项;省丰收计划一等奖一项;市科技进步一等奖两项近年主持或参加主要科研项目27项:主要有国家“十一五·十二五”科技支撑项目,国家科技转化资金项目,国家中小科技企业项目,国家大宗蔬菜产业体系项目.吉林省重大科技攻关项目,省科 Zhao Fushun born in 1963, graduated from Jilin Agricultural University vegetable specialty, bachelor’s degree. Engaged in vegetable research work for 32 years, was sent to Japan in 1991 gardening test field training; 1995 Jiu San Society, Any provincial straight grassroots committee of the grass-roots committee in 2003 was promoted to a researcher; Cucumber director of the incumbent, subject presided over people. 12 new varieties of cucumber were bred and 16 were rewarded by scientific research achievements of national, provincial and municipal governments. Among them, there were 1 national invention patent, 2 national new varieties protection rights, 2 China Agricultural Science and Technology Awards and 4 provincial second-level scientific and technological progress awards , Three third prize; national agriculture animal husbandry and fishery bumper prize two prize one; provincial agricultural promotion first prize three; provincial bumper harvest project first prize; city science and technology progress prize two two presided over or participated in the main There are 27 scientific research projects: there are mainly national scientific and technological support projects under “the 11th Five-year and 12th Five-year Plan”, national scientific and technological transformation fund projects, national medium and small scientific and technological enterprise projects and national bulk vegetable industry system projects. Major scientific and technological projects in Jilin Province, Section
目的 了解本市食品中霉菌、酵母茵的污染状况,为进一步加强卫生监督提供科学依据.方法 将2005~2007年度本中心实验室收检的七类食品中霉菌、酵母茵检测结果进行统计学分析.结