以重大项目建设为契机 推动区域经济快速发展

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推动区域经济快速发展,关键是选准突破口,培育新的经济增长点。重大项目在区域经济发展中具有不可替代的作用,是培育新的经济增长点最有效的途径,抓住了大项目,就掌握了经济工作的主动权。重大项目能够改变一个地区原有的经济格局,有利于区域经济结构的调整。受重大项目辐射而带动起来的相关产业,将成为地区新的税源,在安置剩余劳动力,形成人流、物流,促进商贸流通等方面将起到重要的作用。 The key to promoting the rapid development of regional economy is to select a breakthrough point and foster new economic growth points. Major projects play an irreplaceable role in the development of regional economy and are the most effective way to cultivate new economic growth points. By grasping large projects, they have taken the initiative in economic work. Major projects can change the original economic pattern of a region and be conducive to the adjustment of the regional economic structure. The related industries driven by the radiation of major projects will become the new source of revenue in the region and will play an important role in resettling the surplus labor force, forming a flow of people, providing logistics and promoting the circulation of commerce.
Di (3,4-methyl) benzylidene sorbitol (briefly referred as “ DMDBS ”), used as transparency nucleating agent in crystallinity polyolefin kind resin, can dramat
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最近,我公司承接了一辆C3V6 2.8L进口奥迪轿车。该车的故障现象为冷车很容易起动,但水温超过80℃以上后,若把车停下来,稍等三五分钟,车就再也起动不了了。根据以上现象,首先
为探讨单侧多功能外固定器在儿童长骨干骨折急诊多发伤治疗中的应用价值 ,回顾分析 1993年 1月~ 2 0 0 1年 4月 6 7例儿童多发伤长骨干骨折的临床资料 ,男 4 2例 ,女 2 5例 ,
Opto-thermal transient emission radiometry(OTTER) is a infrared remote sensing technique, which has been successfully used in in vivoskin moisture content and s