Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Submarine's Cold Wake Temperature Character

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanhuafuren
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The temperature difference of the submarine’s wake on the sea surface is the base for the IR detection. In this paper, the temperature difference on the sea surface caused by the submarine’s propellers and the submarine’s hull is studied by solving the three dimensional N-S equations. The results show that under the condition of sea temperature surroundings of minus gradient, such as in summer the upper water’s temperature is higher than the lower water, it is cold wake on the sea surface and hot wake on the submarine’s plane. The temperature difference between the wake and the water around in the wake’s initial part becomes more and more obvious as the wake’s distance gets longer. Through the IR camera, the submarine’s propeller wake is studied under the same temperature status. Obvious IR temperature difference signals can be observed and it is consistent with the numerical simulation for the submarine. The temperature difference of the submarine’s wake on the sea surface is the base for the IR detection. In this paper, the temperature difference on the sea surface caused by the submarine’s propellers and the submarine’s hull is studied by solving the three-dimensional NS equations. results show that under the condition of sea temperature surroundings of minus gradient, such as as in summer the upper water’s temperature is higher than the lower water, it is cold wake on the sea surface and hot wake on the submarine’s plane. The temperature difference between the wake and the water around in the wake’s initial part becomes more and more obvious as the wake’s distance gets longer. Through the IR camera, the submarine’s propeller wake is studied under the same temperature status. Obvious IR temperature difference signals can be observed and it is consistent with the numerical simulation for the submarine.
讴歌声韵满村坊  坊,本义为城市街市里巷的通称。古代把城邑划分为区,通称为坊。坊,古字“堕”,通“防”。坊,相当于如今的社区。唐武德颁《武德律》,令“在邑居者为坊,在由野者为村”。但一般城居者仍受田务农。  宋代区分坊郭户和乡村户,理论上,村与坊南辕北辙。村、坊乃城乡对立。村自村,坊自坊。邑居者为坊,田野居者为村,不准再随便迁移。当然本文说的坊,是指作为村名的名词,就是一座村落,也叫一座村坊。坊,
杜甫作为唐代著名诗人,早在唐代中后期已经名满天下。在千年历史长河中,他的诗歌广为传唱,成为诗界的楷模。他也因此受到后世历代文人的膜拜,被人们尊为诗圣,在中华诗歌发展史上曾与李白被誉为双峰并峙,成为永久的典范。著名学者闻一多认为杜甫与杜诗是“四千年文化中,最庄严、最瑰丽、最永久的一道光彩”(《唐诗杂论·杜甫》)。  杜甫的一生几乎是为诗而生,为诗而活。他以诗为生命,以诗为己任,一生之中,无论处于何时
Solar thermal propulsion system includes solar thermal propulsion and nuclear thermal propulsion, and it is a significant issue to improve the heat transfer eff
邹氏天台支  《邹氏家乘》以邹一桂重修本最为完备。邹一桂,号小山,清雍正五年(1727年)传胪,书画家,有《小山画谱》存世。七十三岁致仕,汲汲于家乘,越五年通谱告成。乾隆庚辰(1748年)《小山公重修邹氏家乘例十二条》云:“邹氏散处他邑者,在苏州为岳桥支,余姚为样山支……各支有谱序,附录外篇,见支世难分,同出一源。再有在他省及天台、徽州等处者,俟查明补人。”  常州、无锡《邹氏家乘》始修于南宋绍兴