Tillage,crop residue,and nutrient management effects on soil organic carbon in rice-based cropping s

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q80602655
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Soil organic carbon(SOC) sequestration is one of the major agricultural strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions,enhance food security,and improve agricultural sustainability.This paper synthesizes the much-needed stateof-knowledge on the effects of tillage,crop residue,and nutrient management practices on SOC sequestration and identifies potential research gap,opportunities,and challenges in studying SOC dynamics in rice(Oryza sativa L.)-based cropping systems in South Asia,mainly in Bangladesh,Bhutan,India,Nepal,Pakistan,and Sri Lanka.Improved management practices such as reduced- and no-tillage management,nitrogen(N) fertilizer and farmyard manure(FYM) application,and crop residue addition can improve SOC accumulation.Positive effects of no-tillage,crop residue addition,N addition through manure or compost application,and integration of organic and chemical fertilizers on SOC accumulation in rice-based cropping systems have been documented from South Asia.However,limited data and enormous discrepancies in SOC measurements across the region exist as the greatest challenge in increasing SOC sequestration and improving agricultural sustainability.More research on SOC as influenced by alternative tillage,crop residue,and nutrient management systems,and development of SOC monitoring system for existing long-term experiments will advance our understanding of the SOC dynamics in rice-based cropping systems and improve agricultural system sustainability in South Asia. Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is one of the major agricultural strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, enhance food security, and improve agricultural sustainability. This paper synthesizes the much-needed state of-knowledge on the effects of tillage, crop residue , and nutrient management practices on SOC sequestration and identifies potential research gap, opportunities, and challenges in studying SOC dynamics in rice (Oryza sativa L.) - based cropping systems in South Asia, mainly in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Improved management practices such as reduced- and no-tillage management, nitrogen (N) fertilizer and farmyard manure (FYM) application, and crop residues addition can improve SOC accumulation. Positive effects of no-tillage, crop residue addition, N addition through manure or compost application, and integration of organic and chemical fertilizers on SOC accumulation in rice-based cropping systems have been documented from South Asia .However, limited data and enormous discrepancies in SOC measurements across the region as the greatest challenge in increasing SOC sequestration and improving agricultural sustainability. More research on SOC as influenced by alternative tillage, crop residue, and nutrient management systems, and development of SOC monitoring system for existing long-term experiments will advance our understanding of the SOC dynamics in rice-based cropping systems and improve agricultural system sustainability in South Asia.
1986年5月我院手术切除左颞叶内神经鞘膜瘤1例,鉴于目前国内尚未见报告,现报告如下。 患者 女,46岁,癫痫大发作15年,口服苯妥英钠有效。入院前1个月出现头疼、呕吐,对症治疗
家族性脑瘤在临床上较为少见,现报告均于16岁发病的患星形胶质细胞瘤同胞姐弟2例。 例1 男,16岁,因头痛20多天,伴呕吐视力减退,CT诊断为右额胶质细胞瘤于1987年1月5日入院。