Correlation of in vivo tumor response and singlet oxygen luminescence detection in mTHPC-mediated ph

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youshulin
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Excited-state singlet oxygen (1O2), generated during photodynamic therapy (PDT), is believed to be the primary cytotoxic agent with a number of clinically approved photosensitizers. Its relative concentration in cells or tissues can be measured directly through its near-infrared (NIR) luminescence emission, which has correlated well with in vitro cell and in vivo normal skin treatment responses. Here, its correlation with the response of tumor tissue in vivo is examined, using the photosensitizer meso-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) in an animal model comprising luciferase- and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transduced gliosarcoma grown in a dorsal window chamber. The change in the bioluminescence signal, imaged pretreatment and at 2, 5 and 9 d post treatment, was used as a quantitative measure of the tumor response, which was classified in individual tumors as \non", \moderate" and \strong" in order to reduce the variance in the data. Plotting the bioluminescence-based response vs the 1O2 counts demonstrated clear correlation, indicating that 1O2 luminescence provides a valid dosimetric technique for PDT in tumor tissue.
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设计了一种光纤通信波段的纳米抗反射结构。采用有限时域差分(FDTD)优化模拟算法,寻找在1250 nm到1650 nm波长范围内能够显著降低反射率的蛾眼纳米结构。开发了一种多目标优化算法,将宽带反射率在0°到30°的入射角范围内进行了优化。对结构中纳米柱的几何排列、半径、高度和周期组成的参数空间进行了完整的搜索。在波长为1550 nm时,仿真得到接近零的反射率为0.012%。对该设计采用了纳米压印进行实验验证,对于最佳设计的样品,在1550 nm处测量获得了低至0.157%的反射率。分析了模拟结果与实验测