Organic Chemicals Went up

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chensiren
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Pure benzene In May 2008,due to the price rise of crude oil and tense supply of pure benzene,the price of pure benzene in Asian markets was up considerably.China’s price of pure benzene rose rapidly in response to the ex-work price rise of major domestic producers.As of May 31 st pure benzene was traded at RMB10500-10600/tin eastern China,an in-crease of RMB 1450-1500/t from a month before. Pure benzene In May 2008, due to the price rise of crude oil and tense supply of pure benzene, the price of pure benzene in Asian markets was up considerably. China’s price of pure benzene rose rapidly in response to the ex-work price rise of Major domestic producers. As of May 31 st pure benzene was traded at RMB10500-10600 / tin eastern China, an in-crease of RMB 1450-1500 / t from a month before.
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回顾分析 18例外科证实的下腰椎内滑液囊肿MRI表现 ,均有腰背部疼痛和脊神经受压症状。场强 1.0TMRI使用脊柱表面线圈扫描矢状位和轴位 ,层厚 4mm ,间隔 1mm ,快速T1(TR/TE 64 0ms/ 12ms)和T2 (TR/TE 4