在新闻采访中,常常会出现一些心理障碍,特别是初学采访的记者和初次与记者打交道的人,最容易出现心理障碍。心理障碍严重干扰着正常的采访秩序,影响采访效果。心理障碍严重的还导致采访失败。研究心理障碍的目的就是要使采访者了解和掌握心理障碍的规律,随时校正自己和对方的心理,消除采访中的心理障碍,提高采访效果。采访中究竟有那些心理障碍呢?这里把主要的、经常出现的心理障碍归纳起来,供大家参考。 1、恐惧失败心理。记者在接受采访任务后,随即会产生采访能否成功的心理。有经验的记者,虽然也存在着恐怕失败的心理,但心理上压力不大,往往能够自控,自觉地消除心理障碍。初学采访者的心理就大不一样,心情特别紧张,总怕采访失败,完不成领导交给的采访任务,在上级面前漏“底子”;怕采访失败在朋友面前掉“架子”;怕采访失败在社会上没“面子”。对此,在采访中担心失掉重要新闻事实和细节。提问面面具到,事无巨细,什么都怕漏掉了,结果什么也没采访深入。因为恐惧采访失败的心理,无形中增加了心理压力,妨碍采访的正常进行,如主动思考问题、提出问题少,流水帐式的记录多,写出的报道当然一般化。怕失败的心理更造成一些记者不敢找上级找名人采访。
In the news interview, there are often some psychological obstacles, especially for beginners interviewers and those who first deal with journalists, the most prone to psychological disorders. Psychological disorders seriously interfere with the normal order of the interview, affecting the interview results. A serious mental disorder also led to an interview failure. The purpose of studying psychological disorders is to make interviewers understand and grasp the law of psychological disorders, correct themselves and each other’s psychology at any time, eliminate psychological barriers in interviews, and improve the effectiveness of interviews. What are the psychological barriers in the interview? Here, the main, often appear psychological disorders, for your reference. 1, fear of failure psychology. Reporters interviewed in the task, then there will be an interview success or failure of the mentality. Experienced reporters, although there is also the fear of failure, but psychologically little pressure, often able to control, consciously eliminate psychological disorders. Beginner interviewers psychology is very different, the mood is particularly tense, always afraid of the interview failure, can not finish the task assigned by the leadership to miss “superiors” in front of superiors; fear of failure in front of friends lost “shelf”; afraid of interview failure In the community did not “face”. In this regard, in the interview worried about the loss of important facts and details of the news. Face to face mask, everything size, what are afraid of missing, the result of no interview depth. Because of fear of psychological failure to interview, virtually increase the psychological pressure, hinder the normal conduct of the interview, such as active thinking, asking questions, running records and more, of course, to write a general report. Fear of failure caused some reporters did not dare to find superior celebrity interview.