
来源 :中国汽车市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyh_0527
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美国汽车工业为什么会失败?我认为美国汽车工业十年的衰退可以归结为五点:首先,由于在燃油经济性上的落后,我们把市场送给了日本人。由于他们更精通于制造小型车,所以他们拥有更好的燃油经济性,美国三大逊于他们的原因是因为生产的都是大车——使用V8发动机的车。因此,美国三大需要从上到下对其车型进行整体改变,我们要把八缸发动机改为六缸发动机、甚至四缸发动机,把纵向自动变速器变为横向,并改成前轮驱动。要实现这一点,技术和资金都是很大的挑战。日本人不用做出任何改变,因为他们的产品已经如此。其次,在汇率方面,冷战期间,大概上世纪六十年代初到七十年代,由于美国的特殊情况,美元兑日元的汇率对日本十分有利。人们总是抱怨日元被低估,这使得几十年来,日本每辆车都有3000-4000美元的成本优势,这使得美国汽车行业很难同他们竞争。第三,美国三大的管理层更注重财务业绩而不是对实际产品精益求精,因此在美国汽车工业的失败上他们也负有责任。哈佛商学院式的思维使他们只注重利益最优化,而不是很关心顾客对产品品质的感受。 Why did the US auto industry fail? I think the decade of U.S. auto industry’s recession can be summed up in five points: First, we gave the market to the Japanese due to its poor fuel economy. Because they are more adept at making smaller cars, they have better fuel economy, and the three worst reasons for the U.S. are because they produce carts - those with V8 engines. Therefore, the three major American countries need to make overall changes in their models from the top to the bottom. We will change the eight-cylinder engine to a six-cylinder engine and even a four-cylinder engine and turn the longitudinal automatic transmission into a transverse direction and into a front-wheel drive. To achieve this, technology and funding are great challenges. The Japanese need not make any changes because their products already do. Second, during the Cold War, roughly from the early 1960s to the 1970s, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the yen was very favorable to Japan because of the special circumstances of the United States. People are always complaining about the undervaluation of the yen, which has cost Japan 3,000 to 4000 U.S. dollars for decades, making it hard for the U.S. auto industry to compete with them. Thirdly, the three major U.S. administrations pay more attention to financial performance than to actual product improvement. Therefore, they are also responsible for the failure of the U.S. auto industry. Harvard Business School style of thinking so that they focus only on the interests of optimization, rather than very concerned about the customer’s feelings of product quality.
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