
来源 :成组技术与生产现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icenum123
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1995年5月14日,成组技术研究会在北京航空航天大学逸夫馆接待了来京参加CAPE′95′国际会议的以色列技术学院(Technion Isreal Institute of Technology)博士教授吉提翁·哈立维(Gideon Halevi),出席参加接见的有副理事长王志博教授、杨光薰教授以及陈伟国、吴伟等十余名在京理事, 王志博教授首先代表研究会授予哈立维教授以“中国成组技术研究会荣誉会员”的证书,之后哈立维教授向与会人员介绍了在以色列进行成组技术,CAPP、FMS等新技术研究和应用的情况。他强调成组技术作为一种哲理可以在许多方面起作用,如设计、制造、管理、订货等,特别是合理应用到组织生产,细化到单元中去,他说成组技术是一种手段不是目的。哈立维教授本人对CAPP有研究,他的博士论文就是用流程分析做的工艺规程。每个人设计的工艺规程可能都不相同,因为各人均有自己的考虑重点。因此他把解决此问题亦即把工艺过程设计分成两个阶段:第一阶段可称为纯理论的最优化设计;第二阶段才考虑现实工厂用什么机床,工具等将理论工艺→实际工艺。关于FMS他谈到了两种类型的FMS:一类为教育应用VMS,主要通过演示使学生了解其功能,通过此也解决学生学机械的思想问题(有的学生错误地认为机械很简单没啥可学),让学生通过FMS学习感到有兴趣;另一 On May 14th, 1995, the Group Technology Research Society received a Ph.D. professorship from the Technion Isreal Institute of Technology in Beijing to attend the CAPE′95′ International Conference at the Yifu Hall of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Gition Khalivi. (Gideon Halevi), attended by several vice presidents, including Prof. Wang Zhibo, Prof. Yang Guangxuan, and Chen Weiguo, Wu Wei, etc., who were members of the Board of Directors in Beijing. Prof. Zhibo Wang first conferred on behalf of the research group Professor Khalid with the honor of “China Group Technology Research Association”. Member’s certificate. Afterwards, Prof. Halviw introduced the participants to the research and application of new technologies such as group technology, CAPP and FMS in Israel. He emphasized that group technology as a philosophy can play a role in many aspects, such as design, manufacturing, management, ordering, etc., especially applied to the organization of production, detailed to the unit, he said that group technology is a means It is not the purpose. Professor Khalid himself has a research on CAPP. His doctoral thesis is a process specification made with process analysis. Each person’s design process may not be the same, because everyone has their own focus. Therefore, he solved this problem by dividing the process design into two phases: the first phase can be called the pure theoretical optimization design; the second phase only considers what machine tools, tools, etc. the theoretical process → actual process. About FMS, he talked about two types of FMS: One is the application of VMS for education, mainly through demonstrations to enable students to understand their functions, which also solve the problem of students learning mechanical thinking (Some students mistakenly believe that machinery is very simple Learn) to make students feel interested in learning through FMS; another
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