
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:police
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【目的】明确中国小麦主要后备品种和高代品系对条锈病、叶锈病、秆锈病、白粉病、赤霉病、纹枯病、黄矮病的抗性程度和水平,为培育抗病新品种、品种审定与推广、抗病品种合理布局、降低品种抗性“丧失”风险提供依据。【方法】以中国小麦条锈菌流行小种条中32(CYR32)、条中33号(CYR33)等、叶锈菌PHT、THT等、秆锈菌21C3、34C2等、对15个已知抗白粉病基因具有毒性的白粉菌混合菌系、赤霉病菌、纹枯病菌强毒力菌株和BYDV-GAV株系对1999—2014年度国家小麦区域试验品种(系)1 815份次试验材料进行成株期人工接种抗性鉴定,重要材料连续进行两年试验,以确保结果的重复和可靠。【结果】在所鉴定的品系中,具有3种抗病性以上的品种(系)共250个,通过农业部国家农作物品种审定委员会审定的品种共310个;中抗和高抗条锈病品种占参试品种的(39.8±21.7)%、中感和高感品种占(39.7±27.9)%;赤霉病、纹枯病、秆锈病和白粉病抗病品种所占比例分别为(31.5±27.5)%、(31.1±35.6)%、(48.2±25.6)%和(25.0±14.6)%、感病品种分别占(68.5±27.5)%、(62.2±38.6)%、(31.3±20.7)%和(70.7±14.6)%;抗叶锈病品种比例仅为(9.9±3.8)%,感病品种高达(70.4±15.1)%;除河农831表现中抗外,所有品种对黄矮病均表现感病,未出现高抗品种。【结论】抗源缺乏的病害未鉴定出抗性强的品种,抗条锈病和白粉病品种主要出现在甘肃、四川等地,抗叶锈小麦品种(系)较少。 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to determine the resistance and the level of resistance to stripe rust, leaf rust, stem rust, powdery mildew, scab, sheath blight and yellow dwarf in Chinese main wheat varieties and elder generations. , Validation and promotion of varieties, rational distribution of disease-resistant varieties, and reduction of variety resistance “loss” risk basis. 【Method】 The CYP gene was amplified from CYR32, CYR33 and other leaf rusts, PHT, THT and so on. Powdery mildew mixed powdery mildew strains, Gibberella zeae, Rhizoctonia solani virulent strains and BYDV-GAV strains were used to test 1 815 sub-national wheat regional test varieties (lines) from 1999 to 2014 Adult plants were inoculated with resistance tests, and important materials were continuously tested for two years to ensure repeatable and reliable results. 【Result】 Among the identified lines, there were 250 varieties (lines) with 3 disease resistances or more, and 310 were approved by the State Crop Variety Approval Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture. The varieties with medium resistance and high resistance to stripe rust accounted for (39.8 ± 21.7)% of the tested cultivars, and 39.7 ± 27.9% of the susceptible and susceptible cultivars. The proportion of scab, sheath blight and powdery mildew resistant cultivars was 31.5 ± 27.5 ), (31.1 ± 35.6)%, (48.2 ± 25.6)% and (25.0 ± 14.6)%, respectively. The susceptible cultivars accounted for 68.5 ± 27.5%, 62.2 ± 38.6% and 31.3 ± 20.7% (70.7 ± 14.6)%, respectively. The percentage of leaf rust resistant varieties was only (9.9 ± 3.8)% and the susceptible varieties were as high as (70.4 ± 15.1)%. Disease, there is no high resistance varieties. 【Conclusion】 The resistance-deficient diseases did not identify strong resistant varieties. Stripe rust and powdery mildew resistant cultivars mainly occurred in Gansu and Sichuan provinces.