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随着我国现代化的快速推进,国民生活水准达到了一定的水平,我国人均可支配收入逐年攀升,人们的吃穿住行、医疗卫生等方面都有了很大的提高,这也预示着较大程度上改善了饮食条件,交通的便利以及交通工具的广泛使用,青少年儿童缺乏锻炼、超重和肥胖发生率都超标,越来越多的青少年儿童已经悄然加入了肥胖者的行列。因此,转变生活方式,适时适当的增加运动量,是解决大部分青少年健康体质的关键。 With the rapid advancement of our country’s modernization, the standard of living of the people has reached a certain level. The per capita disposable income in our country has been rising year by year, and people’s living, eating, clothing, housing and healthcare have greatly improved, which also indicates a larger To a certain extent, diet conditions, transport facilities and extensive means of transport were improved to a large extent. Children and adolescents lacked exercise and the incidence of overweight and obesity exceeded their standards. More and more young children and adolescents have quietly joined the ranks of obese people. Therefore, to change the way of life and to increase the amount of exercise in due course is the key to solving the problem of physical fitness for most young people.
The deactivation behavior by crystallite growth of nickel nanoparticles on various supports(carbon nanofibers, zirconia, Si C, α-Al_2O_3 and γ-Al_2O_3) was in
应我院学报编辑部曾汉祥老师邀请 ,香港中文大学宗教系教授谭伟伦博士于 2 0 0 1年1 2月中下旬来粤北考察客家民俗。本刊曾汉祥和王焰安两位老师陪同谭博士访问了连州市、阳
A novel Ce(Ⅲ)-incorporated cross-linked chitosan(Ce-CCS) was prepared and used for the removal of fluoride from aqueous solution. The structure and morphology
中国已经成功加入WTO,要说我们的最大优势,那就是资源优势。 对四川来说,最大的资源优势是旅游,旅游产业是四川唯一能与国外相抗衡的产业。凡是到过四川旅游的人都有一种感概:四川的
Patients with a history of repeated a nd unexplained im-plantation failure after IVF-embry o transfer and a high u-terine natural killer cell count dur ing estr
This study was undertaken to determine the predictive accuracy for preterm birth of transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) of the cervix in women with a prior cone biops
今年暑假,我有幸游览了三晋名山——芦芽山。  芦芽山位于山西北部宁武县,海拔2700米。我站在山脚下,抬头仰望,啊!峰顶这么高,在云层上面哩!我真有点发愁,这么高的山,要爬到猴年马月呀!爸爸说,红军走的路要比这远得多,难得多,世上无难事,只要肯攀登。听了爸爸的话,我鼓起勇气开始向山上攀登。山上的路只有二尺宽,都是用石头铺成的,有的地方不牢固,走起来非常艰难。路旁长着许多野花、野草,格外美丽。四周是