Kinetic description of bottleneck effects in traffc flow

来源 :Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wh820228
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This paper deals with the effects of traffc bottlenecks using an extended Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model. The solution structure is analytically indicated by the study of the Riemann problem characterized by a discontinuous flux. This leads to a typical solution describing a queue upstream of the bottleneck and its width and height, and informs the design of a δ-mapping algorithm. More significantly, it is found that the kinetic model is able to reproduce stop-and-go waves for a triangular fundamental diagram. Some simulation examples, which are in agreement with the analytical solutions, are given to support these conclusions. This paper deals with the effects of traffc bottlenecks using an extended Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model. The solution structure is analytically indicated by the study of the Riemann problem characterized by a discontinuous flux. This leads to a typical solution describing a queue upstream of the bottleneck and its width and height, and informs the design of a δ-mapping algorithm. More significantly, it is found that the kinetic model is able to reproduce stop-and-go waves for a triangular fundamental diagram. , which are in agreement with the analytical solutions, are given to support these conclusions.
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