
来源 :国土资源高等职业教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztlzp
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服务地方经济建设,切实加强内涵与特色建设,是高职院校提升核心竞争力的关键问题。湖南高职院校按照现代职业教育发展要求,对接湖南四大国家战略发展和新兴产业发展需要,推进专门化、特色化建设,高职教育适应经济新常态,办学规模稳中有升,国际化进程明显加快,专业内涵不断夯实,学生就业创业形势继续向好,社会服务能力得到了进一步增强。 Serving local economic construction and effectively strengthening the connotation and characteristic construction are the key issues for higher vocational colleges to enhance their core competitiveness. In accordance with the requirements of the development of modern vocational education, Hunan vocational colleges should meet the needs of the strategic development of the four major nationalities in Hunan and the needs of the development of new industries, promote the construction of specialization and specialization, and adapt to the new normal of economy in higher vocational education. The scale of running a school is steadily increasing and internationalization The process was markedly accelerated, the connotation of professionalism continued to be consolidated, the employment and entrepreneurship situation of students continued to improve, and the social service capability was further enhanced.
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