The Spring Breeze of Animation Animation begins with culture, ends with indusrtry and cultural disse

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The so-called animation in this city, which three years ago was only some casual sketching by a group of people who loved drawing, has now grown up to be an industry, blowing its gentle yet activating breeze over the whole city. Just take a look at the exciting scenario in the latest animation exhibition. One man that should be noticed is Wang Zhenhua, the general manager of Shangdong Shibo Culture Communication Co. Ltd. He could be called the weather vane of the animation industry of this city. He actually pioneered the way and activated the animation market despite originally knowing nothing about animation. The so-called animation in this city, which three years ago was only some casual sketching by a group of people who loved drawing, has now grown up to be an industry, blowing its gentle yet activating breeze over the whole city. Just take a look at the exciting scenario in the latest animation exhibition. One man that should be noticed is Wang Zhenhua, the general manager of Shangdong Shibo Culture Communication Co. Ltd. He could be called the weather vane of the animation industry of this city. He actually pioneered the way and activated the animation market not originally knowing nothing about animation.
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