Sailing across the Atlantic to spend lockdown 远渡重洋,冲出疫情

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  Days after Argentina canceled all international passenger flights to protect the country from the new coronavirus, Juan Manuel Ballestero began his journey home the only way possible: He stepped aboard his small sailboat for what turned out to be an 85?day odyssey across the Atlantic.
  The 47?year?old sailor could have stayed put on the tiny Portuguese island of Porto Santo, but the idea of spending what he thought could be “the end of the world” away from his family, especially his father who was soon to turn 90, was unbearable. So he loaded his 29?foot sailboat with canned fish, fruit and rice and set sail in mid?March.
  “I didnt want to stay like a coward (懦夫) on an island where there were no cases,” Mr Ballestero said. “I wanted to do everything possible to return home. The most important thing for me was to be with my family.”
  Friends tried to persuade Mr Ballestero to give up the perilous journey, and the authorities in Portugal warned him he might not be allowed to re?enter if he ran into trouble and had to turn back. But he was determined. “I bought myself a one?way ticket and there was no going back,” he said.
  Sailing can be a lonely passion, and it was particularly so on this voyage for Mr Ballestero, who each night tuned in to the news on a radio for 30 minutes to assess how the virus was spreading across the globe. “I kept thinking about whether this would be my last trip,” he said.
  When he made it to his native Mar del Plata on June 17, he was surprised by the heros welcome he received. “Entering my port where my father had his sailboat, where he taught me so many things and where I learned how to sail, gave me the taste of a mission accomplished,”he said. A medical professional administered a test for COVID?19 on the dock. Within 72 hours, after the test came back negative, he was allowed to set foot on Argentine soil.
  While he didnt get to celebrate his fathers 90th birthday in May, he did make it home in time for Fathers Day.
  1. Why did Juan Manuel Ballestero start his journey?
  A. To be reunited with his family.
  B. To avoid being infected by the coronavirus.
  C. To realize his dream of sailing.
  D. To prove his bravery.
  2. What do we know about Juan Manuel Ballestero?
  A. He was forbidden to enter Mar del Plata port.
  B. He received no information about the outside world during the journey.
  C. He failed to celebrate his fathers birthday.
  D. He was not allowed to leave Porto Santo by the authorities in Portugal.
  3. What does the underlined word “perilous” in paragraph 4 mean?
  A. Distant.
  B. Tiring.
  C. Boring.
  D. Adventurous.
  4. What can best describe Juan Manuel Ballestero?
  A. Bold and smart.
  B. Brave and determined.
  C. Creative and thoughtful.
  D. Affectionate and persistent.
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