
来源 :油气井测试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyc726
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完井前,进行中途测试以确定地层是否具有工业价值的油气产能。在美国东部,因井的产量低而无法测量,尤其在低渗透油气藏中,中途测试之前由于泥浆滤液的侵入而抑制了气的产能,故很少进行中途测试。可用中途测试取样器进行取样测量,但资料解释十分困难。本文就泥浆滤液的侵入对中途测试所获结果的影响进行详细分析。用两相,二维模型模拟泥浆滤液侵入期间的中途测试,而且用这些模拟结果建立了泥浆滤液侵入期间和流动期间的绝对渗透率、气体相对渗透率、泥饼渗透率以及泥饼厚度与井筒压力之间的定性关系。所有参数的分析结果表明,除泥浆厚度外其它因素对中途测试所获结果和在中途测试结果的基础上预测流动特性的能办均产生了严重的影响。本分析得出了影响地层清洗特性的所有参数。这些参数按它们的重要性顺序排列如下:绝对渗透率,气体相对渗透率,泥饼渗透率,压力降,最后是钻井期间的正压。 Before completion, a mid-range test is conducted to determine if the formation is of industrial value for oil and gas production. In the eastern United States, it is impossible to measure because of the low production of wells. Especially in low permeability reservoirs, gas production can be suppressed due to intrusion of mud filtrate prior to the midway test, so it is seldom tested midway. Midway test sampler can be used for sampling measurements, but the data interpretation is very difficult. In this paper, the impact of mud filtrate invasion on the results obtained from the midway test is analyzed in detail. Two-phase, two-dimensional models were used to simulate mid-course tests of mud filtrate invasion and the absolute permeability, gas relative permeability, mud cake permeability, and mud cake thickness were compared with wellbores The qualitative relationship between pressures. The analysis of all the parameters shows that other factors besides the thickness of the mud have a serious impact on the results of the midway test and the predictability of the flow characteristics on the basis of the midway test results. All the parameters that affect the cleaning performance of the formation are obtained by this analysis. These parameters, in order of importance, are as follows: absolute permeability, relative gas permeability, mudcake permeability, pressure drop, and finally positive pressure during drilling.
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