
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaaaLLLLL
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目的研究农村城镇化后不同生境鼠类的群落结构,为开展鼠害的科学治理提供基础依据。方法采用夹夜法调查农村城镇化后鼠类的群落结构,每个样区布放300个夹夜,夹距5 m,夹线间距50 m以上,鼠夹晚放晨收。结果农村城镇化后,城镇与农田结合部成为鼠类最重要的栖息环境,家栖鼠类的数量和生物量大幅度增加,野栖鼠类的优势度明显下降,主要表现为:在城镇和农田结合部,褐家鼠为第一优势鼠种和危害最大的害鼠;在离开城镇500 m的农田,黄毛鼠为第一优势鼠种,其次为褐家鼠,板齿鼠、褐家鼠和黄毛鼠是危害最大的害鼠;而在离城镇2 km的农田,黄毛鼠为第一优势鼠种,其次为小家鼠,黄毛鼠和板齿鼠是危害最大的害鼠。结论农村城镇化间接为鼠害的发生提供了有利条件,引起农田鼠类群落发生一定程度的改变,必须针对这种变化趋势加强鼠害的可持续治理工作。 Objective To study the community structure of rodents in different habitats after urbanization in rural areas and provide the basis for the scientific management of rodent pests. Methods The investigation of the community structure of rodents after urbanization in rural areas was carried out by the method of clip-nocturnal nightshade. 300 nocturnal nocturnal clumps were placed in each sample area with a spacing of 5 m and a spacing of more than 50 m between them. Results After urbanization in rural areas, the combination of urban areas and farmland became the most important habitat for rodents. The number and biomass of domesticated rodent species increased significantly, and the dominance degree of wild rodent species decreased significantly. The main manifestations were as follows: Rattus norvegicus is the dominant species of rodent and the most harmful rodent. In the farmland of 500 m away from the town, Rattus rat is the dominant species, followed by Rattus norvegicus, Banded Rat, Brown House Rattus rat and rodent rat are the most harmful pest rats; while in the farmland about 2 km away from the town, Rattus rat is the dominant mouse species, followed by Mus musculus, Rattus rat and Banded Rat are the most harmful pests . Conclusion Rural urbanization indirectly provides favorable conditions for the occurrence of rodent pests and causes a certain degree of change in the rodent community on the farmland. It is necessary to strengthen the sustainable management of rodent pests in response to this trend.
1982年5月29日至6月14日,我参加了农牧渔业部组织的中华人民共和国农业环境监测考察组,赴西德进行为期两周的考察。考察组一行八人(包括三名进修生), From May 29 to June
我省农学会于六月上旬在沈阳召开了农业现代化学术讨论会。农学会所属七个分科学会以及农口外二十二个兄弟学会一百五十多人出席了讨论会。到会的还有中国农学会理事长、 A
厂矿区域内,铁道与公路的平交道口,是交通的要害部位。为了保证安全,减轻工作人员的劳动强度,我们先后设计制成了几种电动栏杆装置。经过3年多的试用和改进,效果较好。 现将