
来源 :泉州师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whq59
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目前,农村小学中普遍缺乏正规体育教师,使农村小学的体育教学工作难以正常开展,影响小学生德、智、体的全面发展,对实施素质教育颇为不利。因此,加强中师生小学体育教学基本能力的培养,提高中师生的综合素质,使之成为一专多能的小学合格教师,是当前由应试教育向素质教育转轨的需要.几年来,根据中师新教学大纲的要求,就如何加强中师生小学体育教学基本能力的训练,提高学生的体育素质,做了一些尝试,本文拟就此谈谈我们的看法和做法。 At present, there is a general lack of formal physical education teachers in rural primary schools, which makes it difficult for physical education in rural primary schools to develop normally, which affects the overall development of moral, intellectual and physical development of primary school students, and is rather unfavorable to the implementation of quality education. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of the basic ability of middle school teachers and students in elementary school physical education, improve the overall quality of teachers and students, and make it a qualified and qualified primary school teacher. This is the current need for transition from exam-oriented education to quality education. The requirements of the new syllabus of the division of the Central Normal University have made some attempts on how to strengthen the training of the basic ability of physical education for primary school students and primary school students, and to improve the physical quality of students. This article intends to talk about our views and practices.
为增进中日两国人民的彼此了解,加深中日两国人民的友谊,鄂尔多斯市文化局副局长申建宏率领伊旗乌兰牧骑艺术团赴日本,于9月15日晚,表 In order to promote mutual understa
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漫步在韩国街头,到处都可看到中国的痕迹。供奉孔子的韩国成均馆、与中国大同小异的各类节庆活动  可以说韩国是最具中国味的国家,而中国在全球的第一所孔子学院也因此选韩国作为首发站。  2004年11月,在韩国首尔最繁华的江南区,世界第一家在海外正式挂牌的推广中国语言文化的专门机构——孔子学院正式成立,由此揭开了孔子学院风靡全球的序幕。中韩两国数千年的文化渊源使汉语在韩国扎根有着丰厚的土壤。    走进
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