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目前,模具开发呈现数字化、并行化、集成化和知识化趋势,数字化技术已成为实现快速创新开发的核心技术。利用数字对模具开发过程中的各种信息进行定量表 At present, the development of mold presents the trend of digitization, parallelization, integration and knowledge. Digital technology has become the core technology for rapid innovation and development. Make use of the figures to quantify the various information in the mold development process
The experimental data of (n, 2n) cross sections were collected and evaluated as complete as possible. There are 640 sets of experimental data for 130 nuclei. Th
Objective: To understand the function of nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) protein as tumor biomarker in renal carcinoma. Methods: Recombinant NNMT protei
研究双参数形变谐振子湮没算符高次幂本征态的量子统计特性。结果表明,当k为偶数时它们都可存在N次方压缩;并且它们均可呈现反聚束效应。 Quantum statistical properties of hi
The equation of state (EOS) of isospin asymmetry nuclear matter is important for understanding not only properties of nuclei and dynamics of nuclear reaction in
备课是教师的基本功,备好课是上好课的前提。教师要关注教材细节,做到精心备课。 Preparation lesson is the basic skills of teachers, prepare lessons is a good lesson
从各自为政到有序集合,在杭州的1 00个综合体中,服装、纺织、农副产品、花木等特色产业综合体的出现更像是一次自主的产业集群行为。与中国很多城市正在兴建的大量产业综合体
The nucleus-nucleus potential is the primary ingredient in nuclear reaction calculations. Its nuclear part has often been parametrized as a Wood-Saxon (WS) form