The effects of different primer types, refolding temperature, primer, dNTPS, Mg ++, buffer and Taq polymerase concentration on the RAPD patterns were compared among the open corn populations. The results showed that at different refolding temperatures, some primers amplified the same banding patterns among individuals, and some of the primers amplified different banding patterns among individuals. The same primer high concentration than low concentration amplification signal. High concentrations of dNTPS are less effective than low concentrations of dNTPS. Low concentration of Mg ++ no amplification products. High concentrations of Mg ++ and high concentrations of polymerases cause smeared smear. High concentration buffer without amplification signal. Double-primer amplification can increase the number of bands. According to the above results, a technical system suitable for RAPD analysis of maize was established. The reaction system consisted of 1-fold buffer, 1.5mmol / L MgCl2, 0.2mmol / LdATP, 0.2mmol / LdTTP, 0.2mmol / LdCTP, 0.2mmol / LdGTP, 0.8μmol / L random primer, 1.5UTaq enzyme, 60ng template DNA.