Quantitative assessment of Parkinson’s disease deficitss

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Objective To quantitatively analyze the tremor and rigidity due to Parkinson’s disease. Methods 38 patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) ranging in age from 45 to 72 years and 211 normal subjects aged from 16 to 76 years were investigated. The frequency and range of tremor, the muscle tone of the upper limbs in elbow were detected by a computerized video motion detecting system and a new invented apparatus which can detects skeletal muscle tone. Results For the PD patients, the frequency of resting tremors was detected in 4 to 6 per second. For extensor and flexor in the PD patients, the value of muscle tone was higher than that of normal subjects and the value of muscle tone in flexor was higher than that of extensor. The rigidity increased gradually with repeat passive movement. The curves of rigidity were shown on computer screen or printed out. The data of rigidity were compared with the M A Scale. A patient who was suspected to suffer from PD above by the equipments and found the muscle tone was higher than normal . In another PD patient the rigidity was obvious at one side and the muscle tone in “normal side” was also high. These equipments were used to record changes of rigidity and tremor in one more PD patient taking with different drugs in order to see the drug effect.Conclusion Quantitative methods are useful to analyse the motion disorders due to PD. Objective To quantitatively analyze the tremor and rigidity due to Parkinson’s disease. Methods 38 patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) ranging in age from 45 to 72 years and 211 normal subjects aged from 16 to 76 years were investigated. The frequency and range of tremor, the muscle tone of the upper limbs in elbow were detected by a computerized video motion detecting system and a newly invented apparatus which can detects skeletal muscle tone. Results For the PD patients, the frequency of resting tremors was detected in 4 to 6 per second. For extensor and flexor in the PD patients, the value of muscle tone was higher than that of normal subjects and the value of muscle tone in flexor was higher than that of extensor. The rigidity increased gradually with repeat passive movement. The curves of rigidity were shown on computer screen or printed out. The data of rigidity were compared with the MA Scale. A patient who was suspected to suffer from PD above by the equipments and found the muscle tone was higher than normal. In another PD patient the rigidity was obvious at one side and the muscle tone in “normal side” was also high. These equipments were used to record changes of rigidity and tremor in one more PD patient taking with different drugs in order to see the drug effect. Confound Quantitative Methods are useful to analyze the motion disorders due to PD.
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