农牧结合 服务城市

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【正】 西安市未央区是个老棉区。自1981年以来,棉田面积占总耕地20%以上,被列为陕西省的19个商品棉生产基地县之一。但产量低,经济效益差。五十年代平均亩产63.7斤,六十年代下降为58.6斤,七十年代有所回升达到87.8斤,八十年代头4年平均下降到43.8斤,比全国同期棉花平均亩产低39.5斤。按年度算,建国35年以来,有7年亩产超过80斤,8年低于50斤,有20年徘徊在50—80斤之间。最高的1973年亩产为134.5斤,最低的1983年亩产只有19.2斤。全区35年平均亩产仅为63.9斤。 在此期
Mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSC/MPC) from a variety of tissue sources (bone marrow, adipose tissue, fat pads, synovial membranes, synovial fluid, skin, m
The main eicosanoids inflammatory mediators, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, are both generated from arachidonic acid (AA;20:4 n-6). AA is a member of polyunsa
Purpose: Multi-tracer neuroimaging is widely used for the diagnosis, radiotherapy, and neuro-surgery of brain gliomas. Anatomical and functional information is
We propose and compare two multi-channel fusion schemes to utilize the information extracted from simultaneously recorded multiple newborn electroencephalogram
Muscles show a surprisingly large variety of functions when they mechanically respond to different environmental requests. However, the in vivo workloop studies