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年前,远在千里之外的哥哥从老家来信说,他所在的乡粮库为了实现减员增效,精减了不少机构和人员,他也在这次精简中下岗了。看到这个消息,我的心着实震颤了一回:已过半百的人,若是在头几年都能内退了,怎么也要下岗呢?他能承受得住吗?我知道,国有粮食企业走减员增效道路是党中央针对目前我国的粮企实际状况作出的重大决定,是深化粮食流通体制改革的重要一环。每一个人都应该舍小家顾大家,服从大局,这是大道理,也是硬道理!可他能理解吗?他今后的生活又该怎么办呢?正当我忙于四处搜集、查阅有关下岗再就业文件规定之际,哥哥的第二封信到了,信中说他的两个孩子也由于同样的原因赋闲在 Years ago, a brother from a distance thousands of miles away wrote a letter from his hometown saying that his township grain depot was laid off for this streamlining in order to achieve downsizing and efficiency enhancement and streamlined many institutions and personnel. I saw this news, my heart really trembling once: over half of the people, if in the first few years can be retreated, how have laid off it? He can bear it? I know that the state-owned grain enterprises to go The road to downsizing and efficiency is an important decision the CPC Central Committee has made regarding the actual status of grain and grain in China at present and is an important part of deepening the reform of the grain circulation system. Everyone should care for everybody and obey the overall interests of the community. This is an important principle and an absolute principle. But can he understand? What should he do in the future? Just as I was busy collecting information about the re-employment of laid off workers On the occasion of the document’s provisions, my brother’s second letter arrived, stating that his two children were also idle for the same reason
1月9日 晴  一天,一只顽皮的小蚂蚁沿着树缝往上爬,爬了一大半,突然蚂蚁掉进了树洞里。它开始害怕了便一直向上爬起来,好不容易爬到了一半,突然一个软绵绵的东西把它又砸了下去。小蚂蚁好半天才喘过气来,它看见有一只绿绿的、毛绒绒的家伙,小蚂蚁看着这个大家伙笑了起来。  小蚂蚁对大家伙说:“胖东西,你是什么呀?”毛毛虫不高兴了,扭着自己的身子高傲地说:“你连我也不认识,我是世界最最著名的毛毛虫呀!你是谁
【正】 前言 有史以来,互联网的强大功能和灵活性首次使各种规模的企业,得以通过网络直接获得高性能、高可用性企业业务应用以及信息服务。此种现象使新一代服务提供商应运而
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对急性脑梗塞(acute cerebral infarction,ACI)60例,随机分为颈动脉加压滴注瘫康灵组和常规治疗对照组,治疗后效果有显著差异(P
第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)是评价慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)病情及预后常用的指标。Celli等[1]提出了BODE评分系统,采用4种因素,即体质指数(body-mass index,B)、气流 The firs
来得太容易的财富容易使人慵懒懈怠、贪图享受,消磨孩子身上向上奋斗的精神。对于富人家庭来讲,再富也要“穷”孩子,再忙也要抽出时间教导孩子。 Too easy wealth is easy t
摘 要:本文认为“神入”历史教学是一种好的教学方式。笔者在此仅以《西方人文思想的起源》一课为例,从利用史料、历史故事、设计问题创设历史情境、引领学生“神入”历史的角度进行探讨。  关键词:历史教学;“神入”;实践反思  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2012)22-088-1  “神入”意为使学生置身于历史发展的环境中去观察历史,站在历史人物的立场上去