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中宣部、新闻出版署联合发出的关于禁止“有偿新闻”的通知,引起社会各界的强烈反响。本刊记者走访了几位新闻界人士和企业代表,请他们就这件事发表意见。加强报纸综合质量管理梁衡(新闻出版署报纸管理司司长):在如何看待“有偿新闻”的问题上,有些人有模糊认识,中宣部和新闻出版署联合发出的《通知》。就是要向舆论界澄清这种认识。广告就是广告,新闻就是新闻,不要搞什么二类新闻、软新闻、要坚决禁止“有偿新闻”。在社会主义市场经济还不完善的条件下,有一些信息性新闻不太好归类。我认为:这就要看信息的最大受益者是哪一方。如果是和人民群众的工作、生活关系密切,涉及群众最大利益的信息,则可以将这种新技术、新科研成果在新闻中加以报道、推广;如果是单纯的厂家开业、推销产品、宣传企业自身,则应列入广告。在国外,所有的新店开张、新产品上市都是以广告形式出现的。在我国的社会主义市场经济体 The notice jointly issued by the Central Propaganda Department and the Press and Publication Administration on the prohibition of “paid news” has aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life in the community. The reporter visited several members of the media and business representatives, asked them to express their views on this matter. Strengthening Consolidated Quality Management of the Newspaper Liang Heng (Director of the Newspaper Management Division of the Press and Publication Administration): Some people have a vague understanding on how to treat “paid news” and jointly issued a “circular” by the Central Propaganda Department and the Press and Publication Administration. That is to clarify this understanding to the media. Advertising is advertising, news is news, do not engage in any type of news, soft news, we must firmly forbid “paid news.” Under the conditions that the socialist market economy is still not perfect, there are some informative news that are not well categorized. I think: This depends on which side of the message is the biggest beneficiary. If it is the people’s work and life closely related to the best interests of the people involved in the information, you can put this new technology, new scientific research results reported in the news, promotion; if it is a simple factory opening, marketing products, promotion of enterprises Itself, it should be included in the advertisement. In foreign countries, all the new stores are opened and new products appear on the market in the form of advertisements. In our country’s socialist market economy