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从倒计时500天到奥运会华丽开场,从圣火耀珠峰到中美女排的巅峰对决,在奥运期间央视最受关注的两个频道一套和五套,我们无时无刻不看到招商银行的身影,而正是“点、线、面”三位一体的奥运传播策略,使招商银行取得了极佳的宣传效果。 From the countdown 500 days to the gorgeous opening of the Olympic Games, from the Olympic Torch to the peak of the women’s volleyball showdown between China and the United States during the Olympic Games most attention of the two channels of a set and five sets, we always see the shadow of China Merchants Bank, and It is the “dot, line, surface,” Trinity Olympic communication strategy, so that China Merchants Bank achieved excellent publicity.
峰亦能称王,是它的气魄摆在那儿,群峰不可与它比。当然,如果它大而空,没有什么可看可说的,也会有人不屑一顾。 The peak can also be king, is its boldness posing there,
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目的:探讨无创产前检测(non-invasive prenatal testing,NIPT)对于胎儿染色体拷贝数变异(copy number variations, CNVs)的检测价值。方法:收集18 661例接受NIPT检测的孕妇的
今天我们站在数字技术大背景下来讨论中国广告业如何应对行业的转变,对此我想谈两点想法。 Today we are standing in the digital technology background to discuss how C
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天然气水合物(Gas Hydrate)因其外观像冰一样而且遇火即可燃烧,所以又被称作“可燃冰”(Combustible Ice)。它是在一定条件(合适的温度、压力、气体饱和度、水的盐度、pH值等
肌萎缩侧索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS)是一种进行性发展的神经退行性疾病,由于缺乏有效的生物标志物,疾病的早期诊断、进展监测及预后评估均受到影响。近年来基