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农药是人类文明和科技进步的产物。中毒事故之于农用药剂,正如交通事故之于交通工具、触电事故之于家用电器、药物事故之于医用药剂一样,不能因发生事故而否定后者。正确地应对措施应该是不断研发效能更高且更安全的后者同时,大力防范事故、减少事故,最终杜绝事故。 Pesticide is the product of human civilization and scientific and technological progress. Just as a traffic accident occurs in a vehicle or an electric shock occurs in a household appliance or a medical accident occurs in a pharmaceutical agent, the poisoning accident can not be negated in the event of an accident. Correct response measures should be to develop more efficient and more secure the latter at the same time, vigorously prevent accidents, reduce accidents, and ultimately eliminate the accident.
The reaction path, the dynamical properties along the reaction path and CVT rate constants are computed by the ab initio MO method, the reaction path Hamiltoni
我们成功地生长出掺Li和掺Pb的Bi系2212相晶须,并通过比较两者的烧结条件,X射线衍射结果,晶须形貌等方面,解释了掺Li晶须比掺Pb晶须超导性能优越的原因. We have successfully grown Bi-doped 22
1H NMR studies have been made on the effects of complexation of tweezer molecule (2s, 8s)-bis(2-naphthoyl aminomethyl)-1,5,9-triazabicyclo[4,4,0] dec-5-ene chl
介绍了富康轿车轴承盖在试生产中暴露出的缩孔问题.分析了缩孔产生的原因.采取相应的措施.使缩孔问题得到根本性解决. The problem of shrinkage cavity exposed in the tri
据悉,2012年6月和7月,中央国家机关举办政府采购中心的三期集中采购业务培训班,分别在北京和北戴河举办。期间,老师向来自各部委的学员讲述了政府采购制度的发展历程, It is
研究了在不除氧条件下,用单扫描示波极谱法测定茶叶中钙。在0.02mol/L KOH体系中,钙—桑色素络合物于-0.78V(vs.SCE)产生一灵敏的极谱峰,峰电流与钙浓度在0.1~0.8μg/mL之间有