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国际环境同一个国家经济发展,关系密切。六七十年代,世界科学技术突飞猛进,国际贸易大发展,资金流动和技术转让限制较少。许多国家和地区,例如亚洲的日本和所谓“四小龙”,利用这个机会,捷足先登,经济进展迅速。我国却丧失了一次机会,这已是许多论者熟悉的事实。 但是,历史并不悭吝,提供的机会毕竟不止一次.当我国结束动乱,采取改革开放政策的时候,国际环境仍大有助于我国的建设与发展。 国际环境有利,这是比较一致的看法。但问题在予有利的环境如何才能为我所用,不致失之交臂?问题还在于,事物总有相反的一面,不利的因素又如何避免? 在国际政治上,随着美苏中导条约的签订,世界一些热点呈现逐渐冷却下来的趋势,一般预测认为,今后一段时间,世界将出现较为和缓稳定的形势。同 The international environment is closely related to the economic development of the same country. In the 1960s and 1970s, the world’s science and technology were advancing by leaps and bounds. The great development of international trade, the flow of funds and the limited transfer of technology were rare. Many countries and regions, such as Japan and the so-called “four little dragons,” in Asia, take this opportunity to gain a foothold and make rapid economic progress. Our country has lost an opportunity, which is already a fact familiar to many commentators. However, history is not stingy, providing opportunities after all, more than once.When our country ended unrest and adopted the policy of reform and opening up, the international environment still greatly contributes to the construction and development of our country. The international environment is favorable, which is a more consistent view. But the question is how to use it in an enabling environment without losing its hand? The problem still lies in the fact that things always have the opposite side and how unfavorable factors are to be avoided. In international politics, with the signing of the treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union, the world Some hot spots are showing a gradual cooling down trend, and the general prediction is that there will be a more moderate and steady world in the coming period. with
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