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从今年第一季度各地召开初级市场物资交流会的情况来看,很多地区交流会已成为经常化,对物资交流起了一定作用。但普遍存在的问题是一般化,和严重的形式主义。蒙自县万头牲畜交流大会就是失败的典型。现将商业厅关于‘蒙自县万头牲畜交流大会总结报告’及蒙自专署、专财委‘关于举行万头牲畜交流大会失败的检讨’两文刊登于后,希各地能从此会的失败中吸取教训。今后在交流会中要坚决防止形式主义,不从实际出发的漂浮作风,加强对交流会的领导,贸易、合作、粮食、银行等部门,必须密切配合,事先做好调查研究及充分物资准备,有计划有目的地召开,而召开专业性的交流会尤应慎重,必须是有充分把握才可以召开。 From the first quarter of this year held in various parts of the primary market materials exchange situation, many areas have become a regular exchange, the exchange of materials played a role. However, the problems that are prevalent are generalization and serious formalism. Mengzi County million livestock exchange meeting is a failure of the typical. Now the Commerce Department on ’Mengzi County livestock exchange meeting summary report’ and Mengzi agency, the Finance Commission ’s review on the failure to hold a meeting of 10,000 heads of livestock exchange’ published in two articles, Greece can from this failure In lessons. In the future, we must resolutely prevent the floating style of formalism and the reality and strengthen the leadership, trade, cooperation, food and banking sectors of the exchange meeting in the exchange meeting. We must work closely with each other and do a good job in investigating and researching and fully preparing materials in advance, There are plans to hold a meeting purposely, and holding a professional exchange meeting should be especially cautious. It must be fully held before it can be convened.
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