
来源 :中国病案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjkghost10
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随着社区卫生服务的出现,家庭病案也随之而来。在不知不觉中,由病案到健康档案的变化在悄然出现,几年前我们对健康档案还感到陌生。我们意识到健康档案具有重大的现实意义,在中国的未来中将发挥越来越重要的作用。家庭病案不但现在是健康档案的前驱,而且将在很长一段时期内和现在的医院病案并驾齐驱。本文的目的在于向国际的同行们介绍北京社区卫生服务的家庭病案的现状并希望得到有益的帮助。 With the emergence of community health services, family medical records have followed. Unconsciously, the changes from the medical record to the health record quietly appeared. We were still unfamiliar with the health record a few years ago. We are aware that health records are of great practical significance and will play an increasingly important role in the future of China. The family medical record is now not only a precursor to health records, but will also go hand in hand with current hospital medical records for a long period of time. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the current situation of family medical records in Beijing community health services to international colleagues and hope to get helpful help.
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IL-13是一种具有高度多向性的Th2细胞因子 ,它与IL 4在结构和功能上有许多相似之处。IL 13通过对单核 /巨噬细胞、内皮细胞、B细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞的调节作用而参与变态反应。
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Time-frequency analysis is combined with array processing to develop a direction of arrival (DOA) estimation method. The array data model is constructed in tim
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我院是由香港爱国同胞洪逸挥先生无偿捐资与汕尾市城区政府共同出资兴建的一所综合性全民所有制医院。 1997年 3月正式开业 ,首期开放病床 180张 ,现有员工 2 10名 ,其中技术
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