
来源 :公路 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Cyril
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公路交通管理水平的高低,直接影响着公路交通经济效益的大小。这里所说的管理,既包括提高公路养护质量的管理,也包括提高路政和监理工作效果的管理。现行的《公路养护质量检查评定暂行办法》,对加强养护技术管理、提高公路技术质量、统一考核养路工作效果,起到了很好的促进和指导作用。但这只是各种管理工作中的一个方面,对影响行车效率的人(如驾驶员、行人)和车以至人们的社会活动的管理(如监理和路政管理),则不包括在内。只有全面提高各种管理工作的水平,针对各种影响公路交通运行的现实状况,都能提出切实可行的有力措施,并对执行效果加以统一评定,才能促进管理工作的全面提高,使公路交通经济效益的发挥,不致因管理不善而受到损失。为全面考核评定管理工作的水平,本文试图从客观上用相对指数形式,作为定量指标。初步设想从四个方面加以评定。即:服务质量指数、管理质量指数、工作效率指数 The level of highway traffic management directly affects the economic benefit of highway traffic. The management mentioned here includes not only improving the quality of road maintenance management, but also improving the administration of road and supervision work. The current “Provisional Measures for the Quality Assessment of Highway Maintenance” has played a very good role of promoting and guiding the enhancement of management of conservation technologies, improvement of the technical quality of highways and the uniform evaluation of the performance of road maintenance. However, this is only one aspect of various management tasks. The management of people’s social activities such as drivers and pedestrians that affect driving efficiency (such as drivers and pedestrians) and the management of vehicles and people’s lives (such as supervision and road management) is not included. Only by improving all kinds of management work in an all-round way can all kinds of practical and effective measures be put forward according to the actual conditions that affect the operation of highway traffic, and the unified evaluation of the implementation effect can promote the comprehensive improvement of the management work and make the highway traffic economy The effectiveness of play, not because of mismanagement and suffered losses. In order to fully assess the level of assessment management, this article attempts to objectively use the relative index form, as a quantitative indicator. The initial idea is assessed from four aspects. Namely: Quality of Service Index, Management Quality Index, Work Efficiency Index
通过筛选较高糖化发酵力的米酒曲和优化米酒酿造工艺,得到无苦涩味、口感醇厚的米酒,酒度为11.0 (v/v%,20℃)左右.优化的酿造工艺为:加曲量1%,糖化时间2d,加水比1:1,发酵温度28
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鲁伟鼎,1971年出生,1992年担任浙江万向集团副总裁,1994年接替父亲鲁冠球任总裁。5年后,鲁伟鼎赴美国读书,加国后任万向集团CEO,成为万向集团实质性“少掌门”; 洪忠信,1969