What is pancreatic juice? Pancreatic fluid is secreted by pancreatic cells. The pancreas is a glandular organ that has both endocrine and exocrine functions. It has two large catheters open in the duodenum. Exocrine pancreas is called pancreatic juice. Pancreatic juice is a colorless, odorless alkaline liquid (pH between 7.6 to 8.2), the daily secretion of about 1 to 2 liters, with strong digestion. Pancreatic juice is composed of water, inorganic and organic matter. Inorganic fluid in human pancreatic fluid is mainly high concentration of bicarbonate, which plays an important role in the digestive process. Because it not only quickly neutralizes the stomach acid entering the small intestine, protects the intestinal mucosa from acid attack, it also provides the optimum pH-dependent environment for the activity of multiple digestive enzymes in the small intestine.