
来源 :时代汽车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxcsmile
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中国汽车工业经历了一个艰难的发展过程。早在一汽筹建之初,党中央就考虑到要建设第二汽车厂。由于多种原因,二汽迟至上世纪60年代才开始正式建设。1973年,经李先念同志批准,黄正夏来到二汽担任主要负责人。60年代到80年代,中国经历了政治经济的深刻变革,二汽经历了上马、基建、设备攻关调试等阶段,刚刚初步建成生产能力的时候又恰逢国家经济调整,被列入“停缓建项目”。在邓小平、李先念等党和国家领导人的亲切关怀下,为了二汽的建设和中国汽车工业的发展,黄正夏和二汽的全体干部、工人、技术人员发奋图强依靠自己的力量,在不要国家一分钱的情况下,使二汽顺利建设成功,为二汽在80年代以后的大发展奠定了坚实的物质、技术和思想基础,培养锻炼了一支过硬的队伍,为中国汽车工业的成长壮大呕心沥血,拼搏奉献。本书详尽地记载了黄正夏同志在二汽这个历史阶段的工作业绩和杰出贡献,读者可以从中了解到中国汽车工业创始阶段的经历。 China’s auto industry has undergone a difficult development. As early as the FAW preparatory establishment, the CPC Central Committee considered building a second car plant. For a variety of reasons, the two vehicles as late as the 60s of last century before the official construction. In 1973, with the approval of Comrade Li Xiannian, Huang Zhengxia came to Erqi as the main responsible person. From the 1960s to the 1980s, China experienced profound political and economic changes. The automaker experienced its stages of launching, infrastructure construction and equipment research and commissioning. At the initial stage of capacity building, it coincided with the national economic readjustment and was suspended Build project ". Under the cordial concern of Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian and other party and state leaders, all cadres, workers and technicians of Huangzhengxia and Erqi are making concerted efforts to rely on their own strength for the construction of No.2 Automobile and the development of China’s auto industry. In the case of a penny, the successful construction of Erqi has laid a solid material, technical and ideological foundation for the great development of Erqi after the 1980s, cultivated and trained an excellent team for the growth of China’s auto industry Grow make painstaking efforts, dedication. This book records in detail the work performance and outstanding contribution made by Huang Zhengxia in this historic stage of the auto industry. The reader can understand the experience of the founding stage of China’s auto industry.
店主显然不想太张扬,角落处有个架子鼓音响台,不知有没有哪个晚上这里会发出震耳欲聋的摇滚。就在这栋老楼里很不显眼,很不想让你知道,三月咖啡。 Obviously, the owner did
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