
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyinxia_email
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指示:各地方国营厂矿、各公司、局、所、队、公安厅劳改处我省一九五三年地方国营厂矿在贯彻安全生产方针上进一步地贯彻了技术保安规程,建立并健全了组织机构和各种制度,因而从总的情况来看,事故是逐步减少的。如以我省地方国营三十五个煤矿比较,一九五二年每万吨重伤、死亡作为百分之一百,一九五三年为百分之四十八点五八,减少了百分之五十一点四二;再从轻工业三个纺织厂比较,一九五二年下半年度每千人伤亡率作为百分之一百,一九五三年上半年为百分之七十三点八八,减少了百分之二十六点一二,下半年又比上半年减少了百分之八十点二。上述成绩的取得,主要是在各级党委的统一领导下,党、政、工、团的一致努力,和各厂矿在安全生产上发动群众学习并创造了不少先进经验,特别是去年开展增产节约运动以后,省委强调指出,安全生产是生产战线上三道防线之一,引起了各级领导的重视,事故有了显著的减少,如西山煤矿建立了逐日事故报告制、分段检修包干制、区主任分班负责制;东山煤矿建立了交接班簿、领导指示簿、安全检查簿;阳泉市工业局由于领导干部重视了调查研究工作,进行了有系统的测绘,建立了矿志(标明各坑的周围老空、火帮、积水等威胁),使领导上心中有数,同 Directive: All local state-owned factories and mines, companies, bureaus, bureaus, and public security departments at the labor reform offices in our province In 1953, the state-owned factories and mines in our province further implemented the technical security regulations in implementing the guidelines on safe production, established and perfected the organizational structure And various systems, so from the general situation, the accident is gradually reduced. As compared with the 35 state-owned coal mines in our province, the number of deaths per 100 000 tonnes in 1952 was 100%, and in 483 it was 48.58%, a decrease of 100% In comparison with the three textile mills in Light Industry, the casualty rate per 1,000 inhabitants in the second half of 1952 was 100%. In the first half of 1953, it was 7% 13.88%, a decrease of 26.12%. In the second half of the year, it was also decreased by 82.2% over the first half. The above achievements have been made mainly through the concerted efforts of the Party, government, workers ’and workers’ unions under the unified leadership of Party committees at all levels and the mobilization of mass learning by factories and mines in safety production and the creation of many advanced experiences, especially in the past year After saving the movement, the provincial party committee stressed that production safety is one of the three defensive lines on the production front, which has attracted the attention of leaders at all levels and significantly reduced the accidents. For example, the Xishan Coal Mine has set up a daily accident reporting system, System, division of responsibility for the district director; Dongshan Coal Mine set up a transfer book, the leading instructions book, safety inspection book; Yangquan City Bureau of Industry as the leading cadres attach importance to the investigation and research work carried out a systematic mapping, the establishment of mine ( Indicate the potholes around the old sky, fire, water and other threats), so that the leaders know the same, with
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