Influence of impurity hydrogen on the structure and properties of bulk Li and pressure effects

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whzjs
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The structure and properties of a 16-atom body-centered cubic lithium cell with an interstitial hydrogen atom are studied using a pseudopotential-plane-wave method within the density functional theory at 0 K and high pressures. The host lattice is dra-matically distorted by the introduction of H. Although the hydrogen atom is stable at the tetragonal site in perfect bcc host lattice,it favors the octahedral site formed by six non-equivalent Li atoms after full relaxation of the cell,showing P4/mmm symmetry within the pressures ranging from 0 to 6 GPa. The lattice ratio (a/c) changes irregularly with external pressure at about 3 GPa. The hydrogen band lies in the bottom of the valence band,separated by a gap from the metallic bands,illustrating the electronegativity of hydrogen. High reflectivity in the low frequency area induced by the impurity hydrogen is observed when only interband transitions are taken account of. A dip in reflectivity due to parallel band transitions is observed at ~0.4 eV. Another dip at ~4.3 eV appears when external pressure increases over 4 GPa. The structure and properties of a 16-atom body-centered cubic lithium cell with an interstitial hydrogen atom are studied using a pseudopotential-plane-wave method within the density functional theory at 0 K and high pressures. The host lattice is dra-matically distorted by the introduction of H. Although the hydrogen atom is stable at the tetragonal site in perfect bcc host lattice, it favors the octahedral site formed by six non-equivalent Li atoms after full relaxation of the cell, showing P4 / mmm symmetry within the same ranging from 0 to 6 GPa. The lattice ratio (a / c) changes irregularly with external pressure at about 3 GPa. The hydrogen band lies in the bottom of the valence band, separated by a gap from the metallic bands, illustrating the electronegativity of hydrogen. High reflectivity in the low frequency area induced by the impurity hydrogen is observed when only interband transitions are taken account of. A dip in reflectivity due to parallel band transitions is observed a t ~ 0.4 eV. Another dip at ~ 4.3 eV appears when external pressure increases 4 GPa.
摘 要: 本研究运用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,对地方高校体育教育专业田径普修课学生学业成绩评价的现状进行调查研究,指出其存在的问题与不足,并借鉴多元智能理论对高校田径课学生学业成绩的评价体系提出了对策与建议,为田径教学改革提供理论与实践参考。  关键词: 体育教育 田径课 学业成绩评价  田径普修课作为体育教育专业的主干课之一,在体育教育专业课程体系中占有重要地位。田径普修课的教学质