Energy Industry Expo opens in NW China

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<正>Oil equipment industry is directly concerned with the development of oil and gas resources development and the national energy stability.
ConocoPhillips 中国, US 油巨人的一个附属公司,与汉语一起在合伙在 Bohai 海湾操作一个油矿近海油制片人中国近海油公司 CNOOC,在此巨大的油光滑今年在 6 月 4 日被检测。从油
Net imports of crude oil, product oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and other oil products rose by 16.2% and hit a historic high of 253.7 million tons in 2010
<正>An earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 hit the east coast of Houshu Island,Japan,on March.11th,2011.It caused a severe tsunami,which induced leakage of nucle
<正>Royal Dutch Shell started its largest lubricant plant in China in mid-August16this year.The plant worthing US$100 million is located in Tianjin Binhai New A
<正>Brazil’s state-controlled oil and gas giant Petrobras is analyzing future cooperation opportunities with Chinese companies,the company’s CEO Jose Sergio G
<正>China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) is obviously accelerating its strategy for acquisition of overseas oil and gas assets in 2010. The second largest
By December 19 2009, annual output of Changqing Oilfield located in western China surpassed 30 million tons oil equivalent, only second to Daqing Oilfield. Chan